The Everything DiSC Workplace® Live Webinar will make a huge difference in your work-life.
What’s included
Each registration includes:
- One Everything DiSC Workplace online self-assessment
- One Everything DiSC Workplace Individual Report (automatically produced in PDF format after participant takes the online self-assessment)
- Access to the online Everything DiSC Workplace webinar on the scheduled date
Participant Take-Aways
- Discover their own DiSC® style: recognize the priorities, motivators, and stress triggers that shape their workplace experience
- Explore other styles: understand the differences and similarities among the DiSC styles
- Identify strategies to make more meaningful connections with colleagues of various styles and work more effectively to reduce tension, solve problems, and contribute positively to their organizations
Program Components
- Research-validated, online assessment and Report: The Everything DiSC Workplace Profile Report is a 20-page workplace-specific profile report which helps learners explore the priorities that drive them and identifies three key strategies—based on individual DiSC profiles—for increasing their effectiveness in working with other styles.
- Free Comparison Reports: These are produced on demand and illustrate the similarities and differences between two respondents who provide their permission to produce the reports. Great for individual coaching and conflict resolution between individuals.
Module 1: Discovering Your DiSC® Style
Participants discover how DiSC styles affect their workplace relationships and explore the priorities that drive them.
Module 2: Understanding Other Styles
Participants learn what works for them and what challenges them when working with each DiSC style.
Module 3: Building More Effective Relationships
Participants create strategies and an action plan to overcome challenges when working with people of different DiSC styles.